ok this is the main idea...

to inform you the reader of whats going on in the world of science...

everything from the newest developments in aviation technology such as the new lockhead YF-22 Raptor, and the still in developmental testing stages YF-35 lockhead, to the biological science of greenhouse gene splicing experiments in the art of horticulture,

first off... magnets, Electromagnets to be more specific, the goal i have along with the help of my  good fried Michael, is to build a gigantic electromagnet, one that shall break world records, after which we will continue the work on what we hope to achieve in also manufacturing the worlds largest Tesla coil, of course both of these experiments will be very costly so we hope you the science fanatic will find it in you to donate all the cash u got cuz we have a nuclear warhead that will drill to the center of the earth and ignite the worlds molten nuclear core thus destroying it, somewhere in prague hiddenin the quarry region called Amerika, 

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